Lollapalloza is a music festival that takes place every year in Santiago, Chile. Lots of famous and international musicians perform
at the event, which is attended by thousands of young people. “Aldea Verde” (Green Village) is a thematic fair that takes place
inside the festival, oriented to sustainability and healthy lifestyles. The team was invited to exhibit the project by one of the organizations selected by this fair: La Ruta Solar. La Ruta Solar is an NGO in Chile that promotes the use of solar energy and it is
most famous for the La Ruta Solar solar cars competition. La Ruta Solar became interested in our project following the appearance
of Casa FENIX on a TV programme called Tecnociencia on Canal 13 (National TV Channel). They have declared their intention to
develop a South American version of Solar Decathlon.
The event lasted two days, during which the project was exhibited at the La Ruta Solar stand.