La actividad organizada por Minvu y La Ruta Solar contó con la asistencia de profesionales y estudiantes de Valparaíso, Santiago, Concepción y Temuco. En el marco de la realización de la segunda versión de Construye Solar, concurso de viviendas sociales sustentables organizado por el Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo y La Ruta Solar –con el […]
Continue ReadingEsta iniciativa ha sido financiada con aportes del Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso año 2015
Continue ReadingEsta iniciativa ha sido financiada con aportes del Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso año 2015 “Mejora tu casa” es una aplicación que tiene como propósito entregar una herramienta de cálculo energético de viviendas, amigable y de fácil acceso al público general. El diseño de esta herramienta se alinea directamente con uno de los objetivos […]
Continue ReadingProyecto FIC-R 2015 / FONDEF IDEA, Laboratorio de Energías Renovables, Sede José Miguel Carrera UTFSM, Quilpué.
Continue ReadingEsta iniciativa ha sido financiada con aportes del Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso año 2015 El pasado Lunes 25 de Abril, nuestro equipo FENIX realizó una entrevista a la ONG Vivienda Local, dedicada a mejorar la calidad de la vivienda, apoyando a las familias en el diseño y construcción de sus casas mediante la […]
Continue ReadingEsta iniciativa ha sido financiada con aportes del Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso año 2015 El pasado Lunes 18 de Abril, nuestro equipo FENIX realizó entrevistas a los destacados arquitectos Marco Gárate y Rodrigo Chávez quienes han trabajado en proyectos de autoconstrucción asistida en situaciones post-catástrofe, actividad realizada en el marco del Proyecto FIC-R.
Continue ReadingIan Hamilton, Tadj Oreszczyn (Centre for Energy Epidemiology) y Hector Altamirano (UCL IEDE) Ver más:
Continue ReadingEsta iniciativa ha sido financiada con aportes del Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso año 2015 Como parte del Proyecto FIC-R 2015, el equipo de Casa FENIX ha desarrollado el proyecto para un Prototipo Interactivo de vivienda, donde los habitantes de la región puedan adquirir conocimiento sobre la construcción sustentable, el buen uso de la […]
Continue ReadingUna vez más nuestros amigos de Venergía se han hecho presentes con un importante aporte para el equipamiento del Prototipo Interactivo, que consiste en sistemas de energías renovables no convencionales correspondientes a equipos Solar Fotovoltaico y Solar Térmico. Agradecemos a nuestro auspiciador Venergia por este importante aporte. Para más detalles revisar:
Continue ReadingActualización: Votación Finalizada Ya están abiertas las votaciones para la Obra del Año 2016 ( y Casa FENIX está entre los nominados de esta edición. Por octavo año consecutivo, se presenta una nueva versión del Premio Obra del Año, único galardón del mundo de la arquitectura, en el que los ganadores son elegidos por votación […]
Continue ReadingEsta iniciativa ha sido financiada con aportes del Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso año 2015
Continue ReadingEsta iniciativa ha sido financiada con aportes del Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso año 2015 Gracias al financiamiento del Fondo de Innovación para la competitividad, el sábado 16 de enero se llevó a cabo la inducción de uso y mantenimiento de la Casa FENIX HC a la familia Huerta Carvajal. En esta actividad, los […]
Continue ReadingA través de este comunicado agradecemos especialmente a nuestros auspiciadores, ya que sin ellos no podríamos haber finalizado de manera exitosa el proyecto de reconstrucción Casa FENIX Huerta Carvajal. A través de sus generosas donaciones, se alcanzó a construir una vivienda de alta calidad, en la que sus habitantes podrán disfrutar de un estándar de confort […]
Continue ReadingTras el incendio que afectó a Valparaíso en el 12 de abril de 2014, el equipo de estudiantes, académicos y profesionales de la Universidad Santa María que desde hace tres años venía trabajando en un modelo de vivienda sustentable, vieron la posibilidad de concretar este proyecto para una familia que necesitaba una solución habitacional. Contaban […]
Continue ReadingSe da término a la etapa de las obras de mitigación de la casa Huerta-Carvajal; dos muros de contención. La etapa a seguir son las fundaciones de la casa, que actualmente se encuentra en proceso. En paralelo comenzó la pre-fabricación de la estructura, que será montada en el lugar una vez terminadas las fundaciones.
Continue ReadingEsta semana se dio inicio a la construcción de la primera Casa FENIX que contribuirá a la reconstrucción de los cerros de Valparaíso luego del incendio del pasado 12 de abril, el año pasado. La familia Huerta-Carvajal será la primera familia en habitar una casa FENIX y utilizarla como una vivienda permanente. Esta casa será construida gracias […]
Continue ReadingLa Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, CONICYT, a través de su Programa Fondef, entregó los resultados del Primer Concurso IDeA en dos etapas, que asignará más de $ 8.200 millones a 57 iniciativas de investigación científica y tecnológica, con potencial impacto económico y/o social, y cuyos resultados sean obtenidos y evaluados en plazos […]
Continue ReadingEl Sábado 18 de Octubre se realizó el primer TALLER PARTICIPATIVO que el proyecto Casa FENIX contempla realizar con las víctimas del incendio de Abril pasado en Valparaíso. Durante el taller, cuatro familias de los cerros el Litre y las Cañas participaron de forma interactiva, construyendo modelos a escala de sus viviendas con el sistema […]
Continue ReadingJury Report The Project provides an innovative and contextually appropriate, yet easily adapted solution to a pervasive problem in the cities of developing countries. The use of an easily assembled and dismantled building system allows for the use of local labor and re-use of material, while the thermal wall making use of water bottles allows […]
Continue ReadingJury Report The Team succesfully proposed a legible and well-attributed engineering system, and the engineering Jury congratulates the Team on this clear and appropriate construction and structural system for the post-catastrophe context. The flexible modules provide maximum possibilities and intelligent solutions through reduced structural components. Elements and approaches such as the thermal wall with water […]
Continue ReadingToday the team received the 3rd place for Communication and Social Awareness. Thank you all who were involved in this!! Jury Report The Speed Peer Reviews were a huge success. However, with regards to the overall communication channels, traditional media were not exploited for communication before the Competition. The Jury cautions FNX to create […]
Continue ReadingTeam FENIX once more surprised the audience with a creative and innovative Speed Peer Review. The topic this time was focused in the victims affected with The Great Fire of Valparaíso in the search of a new quality solution of the housing problem of our country. Check out the video! Speed Peer Reviw Bonanza
Continue ReadingToday the Chilean Ambassador visited Casa FENIX in Versailles. His presence was very important to us, as he gave us his support in this competition being so far away from home and also encouraging us to give our best in what is left.
Continue ReadingCasa FENIX is ready to compete! Thank you very much to everyone who made this possible.
Continue ReadingThe final touch for the exterior envelope; one of our active solar systems for air renovation; Ventilairsec system. These Panels were installed by ELVA, one of our most recent sponsors.
Continue ReadingCasa FENIX is getting ready for its departure to Versailles. This is a very delicate operation, which needs a lot of monitoring and safety from the team.
Continue ReadingToday team FENIX in France, hosted the visit of the French sponsors and the President of Poitou-Charentes Region, Jean-François Macaire. This is the last important visit Casa FENIX will receive in La Rochelle, before the departure of the modules to Solar Decathlon competition in Versailles. The evening was close with a dinner prepared by a local Chef.
Continue ReadingCasa FENIX is going big these lasts week, reaching governmental institutions and possible donators of houses for the reconstruction after the Great Fire of Valparaiso, which are showing a greater interest in our project, as a sustainable way to do reconstruction after a catastrophe. After our last update, these are the visit Casa FENIX prototype has […]
Continue ReadingNot everything is about work for the Team FENIX. Last week, the Chilean team members in La Rochelle took a trip to Dublin, Ireland. It was a perfect weekend, full of music, leprechauns, and why not, some pints of Irish beer.
Continue ReadingAfter the inauguration of prototype in Valparaiso, the project has received several important visits from local and national organisms, given the importance of the project has taken on a possible solution to the reconstruction of Valparaiso after the Great Fire of April 12. Monday, April 28th: Visit of the President of the Superior Council of […]
Continue ReadingThe visit, led by Nina Hormazábal , Faculty Advisor of the Team FENIX, contemplated the exposure of the Casa FENIX, which will be exhibited at the International Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 on July in Versailles, France. The purpose of the visit to Casa FENIX of the Presidential delegate, was to get local experiences within the […]
Continue ReadingFor pictures of the inauguration ceremony please visit the following link.
Continue ReadingThe inauguration included a presentation, display of information and a guided tour of the finished prototype of half Casa FENIX (32 sqm) in Valparaiso at the UTFSM. This event was to show Casa FENIX to the university community, local representatives, industry sponsors and other collaborating institutions. This event was a milestone within the development of […]
Continue ReadingOn Saturday 12 April, the city of Valparaíso suffered its worst fire ever. Almost 3.000 homes were completely destroyed, leaving more than 14.000 victims. During the development of Casa FENIX project, Team FENIX has been working on catastrophe issues, in order to develop our urban design proposal, the team has taken the case study of […]
Continue ReadingThis was an event hosted by the SDE organizers as an innovative way to present and review what all the teams are doing. The Casa FENIX presentation took the same unconventional form as in workshop #2: a low-tech approach using signs, puppets and an unexpected ending. The message behind the presentation was, to show the […]
Continue ReadingCasa FENIX was shown through poster size pictures depicting the development of the project, from the beginning until the present, including a brief description on each picture. The public that visit Casa FENIX could see the different stages of the project.
Continue ReadingPresentation and visit of Casa FENIX project to “l’Université du Temps Libre”, a local and cultural association whose members are seniors, recently retired people, among others, whom have spear time and want to spend time in learning about new topics, share knowledge, participate in workshops and meet other people from other fields. The UTL plays […]
Continue ReadingNationwide invitation to the general public to show Casa FENIX project, it included a presentation in an auditorium and a guided tour of the house.
Continue ReadingLollapalloza is a music festival that takes place every year in Santiago, Chile. Lots of famous and international musicians perform at the event, which is attended by thousands of young people. “Aldea Verde” (Green Village) is a thematic fair that takes place inside the festival, oriented to sustainability and healthy lifestyles. The team was invited […]
Continue ReadingThis visit of schoolchildren to see Casa FENIX project is within environmental education and dissemination among youngsters. Our goal is to develop their awareness on sustainable living and energy conservation issues. The team produced a pre-visit information and questionnaire for the schoolteachers to inform them about Casa FENIX. The team Casa FENIX presented to two […]
Continue ReadingThe presentation to the ULR Administration Council is to keep they informed of the progress of Casa FENIX project, to get them involved, interested and invite them to the various activities of this nature.
Continue ReadingThis event was very important because the French industry was a crucial target for us, for Casa FENIX would not be possible without them. All the sponsors were invited to a detailed presentation of Casa FENIX. For this presentation the team described technical aspects about the structure and its performance (thermal, structural, environmental, etc.) The […]
Continue ReadingIt was very important to show and disseminate the project and the SDE competition to Civil Engineering students from ULR, because all of the five French students participating in Casa FENIX – SDE 2014 are from Civil Engineering department. As a result of this presentation, a group of Civil Engineering students decided to work on […]
Continue ReadingAs the open house activity realised in UTFSM, Valparaíso. ULR, La Rochelle also does an equivalent activity were Casa FENIX project was shown to the university community. In this event people could learn about our environmental project, which gave them ideas for further studies. As a result of this exhibition, Casa FENIX inspired members from […]
Continue ReadingToday, the team received 18 Photovoltaic Modules. These Modules were bought with a significant discount thanks to ienergia, one of our Chilean sponsors. These Photovoltaic Modules will be installed in the version of Casa FENIX that is being built in Chile. We would like to thank our Sponsor for its generous contribution to the team […]
Continue ReadingToday was a very important day for some of the members of the team, due to the presentation of the project Casa FENIX to an evaluation committee, who decided to evaluate the project with the highest score, which enabled them to become architects. Congratulation from the entire team to the newly graduate architects!
Continue ReadingToday, the team received a Single Phase Photovoltaic Inverter from one of our Chilean Sponsors. This electrical component was delivered by Bruno Eitel, Business Development Manager of the Chilean commercial agency. This inverter will be used in the electrical system of the house that is being built in Chile, this way; it can be tested […]
Continue ReadingIn this activity the projects presentation from Workshop#2 was performed once more for the visit of Ségolène Royal (President of the region of Poitou-Charentes). The team and de faculties representatives like Gérard Shellenbaum (Responsible for Team Casa FENIX-France, UT Département Génie Civil – Université de La Rochelle). In this occasion the regional council contributed with […]
Continue ReadingThe last day was the teams turn to visit de future Cité du Soleil®. This is the place where all the houses will be build and where the decathletes will live for the period of time the competition lasts. In addition to that, the decathletes had the opportunity to visit the Château de Versailles and […]
Continue ReadingA general assembly took place the second day of the workshop, in which several items of the competition and its organization were explained, as the Cite du Soleil® organization and competition quarters. The location was the Palais des Congrès in Versailles In the afternoon the team met the specialists in private meetings to discuss and […]
Continue ReadingThe Speed Peer Review was the first activity of the team in the second workshop of the comptetition, realized in la Cité de l’Architecture de Paris. Each team explained its project in a 5-minute presentation. This presentation was delivered to an audience comprised of approximately 300 peers between other team members and SDE organizers. The […]
Continue ReadingPuertas Abiertas is an instance where the different departments of Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria show their projects and activities to motivate people to enroll the university. Casa FENIX team participated in this activity using the Survival Module as a stand for the architecture department, seizing this opportunity to show the region of Valparaiso the […]
Continue ReadingToday, the team received a donation of several construction materials from one of our Chilean Sponsors, VOLCAN, the donation includes thermal insulation and fiberboard enough to build two complete modules of Casa FENIX. These materials will be used in the replica of the house that is being built in Chile. We would like to thank […]
Continue ReadingToday, the team received a donation of three PVC Windows from one of our Chilean Sponsors, REHAU. These windows will be used in the replica of the house that is being built in Chile. We would like to thank our Sponsor for its generous donation to the team Casa FENIX.
Continue ReadingThanks to one of our Chilean sponsors, SODIMAC, we are able to acquire security items, tools and building materials at cost for the construction of the replica of Casa FENIX in Chile. In this opportunity, the team obtained many things for a low price for the assembly of the Survival Module structure.
Continue ReadingThe Solar Decathlon Organization asked all the teams of the competition for an actualized Model of the house, with the purpose of exhibit them in the second Workshop, which will take place next November. Casa FENIX Model was built in UTFSM by the architecture students of the team and then it was shipped to La […]
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